Two artist’s films exploring how kindness and
care is embodied within two local community
initiatives, by follow the transformations that
occur in both initiatives: composting, growing,
foraging and harvesting.
The installation consider the public museum as a
site for sharing precious local stories by offering a
place to slow down and experience the moments
of kinship between humans and the natural world
and the possibilities for diverse co-existence and
care with our local environments.
Common Unity Project Aotearoa is a Te
Awakairangi Hutt Valley-based initiative where
farms sprout in schools and prison grounds and
the harvests are made into children’s lunches by
volunteers. Manawa Karioi, in Te Whanganui-
a-Tara Wellington, is one of the region’s oldest
reforestation projects, where land is restored to
a forest ecosystem through collective effort to be
enjoyed by native birds and humans alike.